A student must be fully immunized against certain diseases or must present a certificate or statement that, for religious reasons, philosophical beliefs and/or medical exemption, the student should not be immunized. Proof of immunization may be personal records from a licensed physician or public health clinic.
Any student not in compliance with Oregon statutes and rules related to immunization may be excluded from school until such time as he/she has met immunization requirements. Parents will be notified of the reason for the exclusion. A hearing will be afforded upon request.
Cascade High School Immunization Data
Marion County Immunization Data
Required Immunizations
If shots are given on schedule from birth:
- 5 DPT
- 4 Polio
- 2 MMR (if given after 12 months of age)
- 4 HIB (recommended, but not required)
- 3 Hep B
- Varicella
- 2 Hep A (Preschool thru 1st grade)
- TDAP (7th & 8th graders)
The parents of a student who is seven years of age or younger and is beginning an education program with the district for the first time shall, within 120 days of beginning the education program, submit a certification that:
- The student has received a vision screening or eye examination; and
- Any further examination, treatments or assistance necessary.
The certification is not required if the parent or guardian provides a statement to the district that:
- The student submitted a certification to a prior education provider; or
- The vision screening or eye examination is contrary to the religious beliefs of the student or the parents or guardian of the student.